Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Relax, It's Only Politics!

Some blogs focus exclusively on politics. Frankly, I can't think of a more useless exercise. If people happen to agree with the point of view, they may read the entire entry; however, of what benefit would that be? On the other hand, if readers' views differ then they won't bother to venture past the very first sentence.

Still, there are occasions when it's impossible not to say something. I would have had to stick my head in a hole to avoid blogging something political today. Canada has changed political course a bit. We have a new Prime Minister in a minority government.

Screenshot: Newspaper Web Site Front Page.

I think what I want to say today has more to do with representation in general than any specifics about yesterday's results. When I was younger, I was a bit more adamant about the political party I supported. Now, I realize that the world won't end regardless of results. Things won't suddenly turn upside down. People will continue eating breakfast and going to work today.

The world is complex, so no single party can represent me on every topic. I bet most people are similar. Collectively, we must choose the party's idea set that represents the larger number of personal beliefs. Organized change occurs slowly. I'm thankful to live in a country where people have a say. I'm even more thankful that governmental changes can occur without loss of life. Remembering this puts things into better perspective after an election.