Thursday, May 14, 2015

Tipperary Park Practice

Yes. Today's weather was very different from yesterday's.

It was a nice day to be around New Westminster and Burnaby. In the morning, we drove up to the Langley Farm Market to buy fruit and vegetables. On that trip, we also stopped to drop off bottles at a recycling centre. We keep a fairly large box in the back of the pickup. A fee is collected on the sale of most bottles in BC, except milk jugs. We save up our own bottles and pick up those improperly disposed in our apartment complex. It takes a few minutes of extra time to bring them up for sorting, but it's nice knowing they are being re-used correctly. We got $7.05 in cash too.

Recycle City

Later, I walked up to Tipperary Park. It comprises land near City Hall with an uncovered stream running through it. Getting there is a 3-block, uphill hike.

I am pretty used to wearing my camera with me whenever I leave the house. A camera left in the cupboard is pretty useless and we can't have that! I am enjoying getting used to my Nikon S9900. Pardon, my posting so many images. It's just that practice makes perfect in nearly every endeavor. Shooting and editing images is certainly no exception, so readers might expect to see a lot of photos here for the next few months.

Biology Class
By City Hall
All in a Row
Show Off
Wiwy Wittle